Vivian Ammerlaan - Portrait by Wouter le Duc

Portrait by Wouter le Duc

Vivian Ammerlaan (1994, The Netherlands)
Studio address | Glasfabriek, Buitenhavenweg 114, Schiedam (NL)
+31 610416732 | | Instagram | newsletter


In an age where the entire world is meticulously mapped, I am drawn to the remote and the unexplored. How can you give image to the essence of untouched and uncharted landscapes without physically venturing into them?

In my work I use various photographic techniques to portray memories and imaginations of overwhelming nature and the sublime. These landscapes may remain remote and untouched but are no less real.


Current and coming up
24 August - the end of October Ladekastproject at Galerie Phoebus Rotterdam
20 September - 20 October Kunstambassade at De Doelen Rotterdam
30 October - 13 November Spotlight at Kunstuitleen Rotterdam


2012 - 2016 | Bachelor of Photography - AKV St.Joost, Breda NL

Solo exhibitions (a selection)
2024 | Waanplekken, Ballon Rouge Rotterdam
2023 | Brabantse Nieuwe, Het Noordbrabants Museum Den Bosch
2021 - 2022 | Het landschap dat ik ken, iCOON Hoek van Holland
2018 | Waanplekken, Museum Kranenburgh, Bergen
2017 | Galerie DeelenArt, Rotterdam

Group / duo exhibitions (a selection)
2023 | Feest der Herkenning, Galerie Noord Groningen
2023 | Shifting Landscapes, WesterkadeKunst Rotterdam
2023 | New Chapters, Huis van de Fotografie Rotterdam
2023 | Hudson Art Department, North Sea Jazz Festival Rotterdam
2023 | BLACK SANDS, Huis van de Fotografie Rotterdam
2022 - 2023 | MINIM.AAL, iCOON Hoek van Holland
2022 | THERESI ART_03 and ART_05, Art[s] Gallery Simone Jansen, Noordwijk
2022 | As The World Turns, Debsaysyes at Huis van de Fotografie, Rotterdam
2022 | Rotterdam Photo Festival
2022 | The New Current, Rotterdam
​2022 | Going Places, Het Archief, Rotterdam
2022 | Constructies van verlangen, Foundation B.a.d., Rotterdam
2022 | HVDF Collectief, Huis van de Fotografie, Rotterdam
2021 | Het Zoete Leven (How Sweet Life Is), Debsaysyes at Huis van de Fotografie, Rotterdam
2020 | Launch, Huis van de Fotografie, Rotterdam
2020 | Zwischenräume, Debsaysyes at Rosalux Berlin (DE)
2020 | Echte Troostkunst, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
2019 | KunstDok Schiermonnikoog + UMC Groningen
2019 | Galerie Noord Groningen
2019 | Festival OFF Naarden
2019 | Terra Incognita TAC Eindhoven
2018 | LichtKunstGouda
2018 | LekArt Culemborg
2018 | Vruchtbare Grond Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
2018 | Opium Torenkamer Expo Amsterdam
2017 | Licht, Galerie Pouloeuff Naarden
2017 | Kunst10daagse Bergen
2017 | Senses, Galerie DeelenArt Rotterdam
2017 | WKNDX Electron Breda
2017 | Museumnacht 010 Galerie DeelenArt + Flowerdales Rotterdam
2016 | Ongekend Talent, Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam
2016 | FreshCACAO, Cacaofabriek Helmond
2016 | Chambres de Schie, Photo Festival Schiedam
2016 | Graduationshow Photography AKV|St.Joost Breda

Publications (a selection)
2024 | Noorderzon010
2023 | ZOUT magazine - read
2023 | FD Persoonlijk - read
2023 | Het Noordbrabants Museum Magazine - read
2021 | Focus Magazine
​2021 | PuntKomma
2020 | GUP New Photo Talent 2020
2020 | Grote Nederlandse Kunst Kalender 2020
2017 | NRC
2017 | deFusie
2017 | Witte Rook
​2016 | Metropolis M - Eindexamens 2016
2016 | New Dawn Paper

Nominations / prizes
2018 | Nomination Fotografie Award 2018 
2017 | Winner Rabo Ontdekt Talent-prijs Kunst10daagse Bergen
2016 | Winner Young Talent Award Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam
2016 | Nomination St. Joost Penning

2019 | Artist Residency Schiermonnikoog
2018 | Artist Residency De Torenkamer Opium Amsterdam

2024 | Artist Talks during Rotterdam Art Week and Salon #1 - Ballon Rouge Rotterdam
2019 | Artist Talks at Kunstenaars aan Zee - KuZhuis Hoek van Holland 
2018 | Pitch at De Donkere Kamer - LantarenVenster Rotterdam
2018 | Artist Talk at Aan Tafel - A Tale of a Tub Rotterdam​
2017 | Interview at Nadorst - Chassé Theater Breda

iCOON, Hoek van Holland
LeasePlan NL
and several private art collections

Previously supported by
CBK Rotterdam
Stichting Stokroos
Stichting Droom en Daad
Cultuur Concreet
Loswal ‘De Bonnen’
Opzoomer Mee

Other related activities
2020 - 2023 | Huis van de Fotografie, co-founder
2016 - 2020 | Kunst in de Kroeg, project team
2016 - 2018 | Kunsthuis18, exhibition committee and board
2016 - 2017 | De Kracht van Rotterdam, junior projectmanager