A visual exploration of trees.
In an age where the entire world has been meticulously charted and mapped, I find myself drawn to the remote and the serendipitous. The concept of exploration continues to captivate my thoughts. How can one capture and portray the essence of these untouched, uncharted, and sublime landscapes without physically venturing into them?
My series Waanplekken (Illusory Places) consists of impressions of landscapes that I form using photography and the use of everyday materials. With this ongoing project, initiated in 2015, I seek ways to give image to memories and imaginations of overwhelming nature and the sublime.
The landscapes that inspire me are of an extraordinary beauty that transcends visual depiction. This inspiration motivates me to attempt to portray it, fully aware of the impossibility. As I strive to create untouched nature with my own hands, I embrace a paradox that becomes inherent to my work.
Digital photos of a fictional place, soon available as Toyobo Prints in a small edition.